Report Loss Or Theft Immediately
If your ATM or debit card is lost or stolen, or if you notice any strange activity on your accounts, don’t wait to report it.
- Call Security State Bank or the Card Hotline and report the loss or theft as soon as possible. Federal law says you’re not responsible to pay for charges or withdrawals made without your permission if they happen after you report the loss. It’s important to act fast.
- You may receive a call or text from our card monitoring service. This will show up as a 1-800 number, and they may leave you a voicemail. If you receive a call, you can expect them to verify your identity by asking for the last four digits of your social security number. If any further identifying information is requested, hang up, and call the bank as soon as possible so we can verify the situation. Once the fraud department has confirmed your identity, they will go over your most recent transactions including those they believe may be fraudulent. If you fail to answer one of these calls, your card will be suspended until we verify if it’s been stolen or not.
- After you have spoken to the fraud department, please call Security State Bank as soon as you are able. If it is found that your card has been compromised, a new card will need to be ordered for you – the fraud department is unable to do this. Security State Bank will need to know so we can order your new card.
- Follow up immediately. If fraudulent transactions have gone through your account, please come into the bank and fill out our loss form.
- Keep checking your account statements and call to report fraudulent charges ASAP. If you spot a charge you didn’t make, call to report it immediately.
- Check your credit reports. Get copies of your free credit reports to monitor for accounts or charges you don’t recognize. If you suspect identity theft, visit to report it and get a recovery plan.
Lost or Stolen Cards:
Call 1-800-554-8969